Wednesday, October 22, 2008



The other night I had a disturbing dream:  I am sitting at one of 3-4 tables, four to a table.  The king sitting at one of the other tables proclaims:  “and now we will celebrate the thrush” and everyone understands this to be a formal ceremony.  We remain seated as the hall is suddenly flooded with individuals wearing black stocking-cap masks who slit everyone’s throats as we sit there dispassionately awaiting our fate.  I see my vision change as my falls over suddenly, apparently as my own throat is slit, but I feel no pain.


A few days later the financial rescue plan of $700bn was proclaimed and the financial collapse of capitalism 2008 began.  I always connected the dream with the free-fall of the market—my dreams are often premonitory.  But now I am conversant with 21st century physics—early 21st century—and its roots so I made a different sort of connection of dream with reality.


Given that dreams reveal in symbol and narrative reality on very different plateaus; and given that these range from the petty to the profane, the sacred to the pagan, just how do dreams connect with everything?  The deeper question lies in the nature of intuition because dreams are one voice through which intuition expresses itself.


It occurs to me that one elegant hypothesis might be to rule out whether or not intuition functions in a quantum multiverse in multidimensions.  Take for instance my disturbing dream.  If dreams like these are synchronistic they will honor events but not according to the law of Humpty Dumpty—entropy.  Time being relative indicates no dream is stuck in time.  Prescience can accompany intuitive leaps, precognition, or synchronicity.  The simplest hypothesis in physics is that of Feynman—a subatomic particle may take any and ALL of the infinitely varied paths no matter the level of probability, until the probability wave collapses—then the probability of the particle becomes one:  P = 1.  A second theorem of quantum chromo dynamics establishes that of entanglement—particles may be entangled with one another and any change in one changes the other taking no time—it is not causal but occurs at FTL speed where FTL stands for Faster Than Light.  Known also as superluminousity, FTL entanglement might be the vehicle of intuition, synchronicity, and dreams of the fall of the king—in this case—King George W. Bush.  Very civilized, but lethal.


The big dream often affects many people and C.G. Jung advised us to tell others whenever we had one because many psyches contribute to this expression of the collective unconscious.  So the collective unconscious might be a quantum phenomenon according to this line of reasoning.  The collective unconscious is an expression of the quantum-entangled Psyche.  Psyche with a capital “P” would encompass eternity.  It is timeless.  Prophets speak in these terms.  Historians of any profession see events as interconnected and repetitive.  Why should the sages of psychology think differently?


To summarize:

1.  Big dreams are manifestations of a collective Psyche of entangled souls.

2.  Intuition functions in a Fenynmanian manner—there are an infinite number of probabilities until the wave collapses.

3.  The collapse represents our present-day reality.


This has implications for creativity.  As my dissertation research suggests, there is a robust covariance between creativity and intuition.  A creative act collapses the wave of potential and leads to further wave functions.  I play a note and other notes suggest themselves.  I play the next note, collapsing the wave and new potential notes present themselves.  Until I stop playing.  Or writing, painting, choreographing, designing . . . .  Creativity is also a quantum function, just like intuition.


Well, I’m ready to collapse.  The dream—the king represents the monarchy of a system that will potentially fall.  All dreams are potential—not real.  My head falls over—I have a new angle on things.  Unfortunately I am too dead to take advantage of it.  But—I’m not dead!  I’m dreaming.  Therefore—things are collapsing and we must have a new angle on things because if we don’t the Huns are gathering at the gates and civilization as we know it is DOOMED!  Or something like that.  Add your own interpretation.

Now if I could only figure out what Thrush means.  Maybe Thrush is short for my old advisor, Ranny Thrush.  So is Ranny is behind this mess!?  

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