Can John McCain or Barack Obama master their fate? Can they collapse the wave? Both presumptive presidential candidates are the product and the shaper of their times. Each has a vision and a campaign to project that vision onto present-day socio-political-economic events. How much are they chosen to play these forces and how much can they shape them?
By showing the public how quickly he and his campaign staff reflect, reshape, and recreate the attacks made upon him the style as well as the substance of the leadership potential Obama possesses are revealed. The most refreshing thing to me as a political junky and a psychologist is the direct way Obama answers questions. I can see the thought processes, the logic, the options considered, the stress on understanding, out of which emerges a nuanced and subtle approach to the multi-leveled attempts by the opposition to shape his responses.
It is more than reactivity because all of his responses come from a well thought out sub-structure alloyed with a penchant for clearly communicating what is on his mind. This is the difficulty opponents have with him. By understanding the pokes and jabs he feints and thrusts with authority. Like the Jedi Knights of Lucas-lore, Obama intuitively grasps the largest situations and can move fluidly within this cosmic array in an intelligent manner.
In so doing, Barack belies his multi-cultural heritage and his life-experience in the Far East, Kansas, and Hawaii through his dual African-American eyes in the truest sense of the word. Obama is a first-generation African-American. But, this sensibility is wedded to a Harvard Law education and a University of Chicago professorial focus on the American constitution.
If anyone can perform on the highest level with the greatest depth it is Barack Obama. He thinks in the present with concepts birthed in the cauldron of the genesis of American democracy. If anything, Obama is a clear counterpart to the wisdom expressed in McCain’s candidacy. Both have merit. Both Obama and McCain can perceive the future. McCain represents a history of independence that has propelled the US into the 21st century with a focus on domination. Obama reflects the diversity of his time and the control over electronic media that will be the future heritage of our maturing nation, making it again a leader by example. Both men are collapsing the wave of probability proclaimed by the quantum theorists to be the mechanics of creation. It is up to the forces to redistribute themselves—but through whose eyes?
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